
Mass Schedule

Sunday Mass

Sat: 5 pm
Sun: 8 am & 10:30 am

Daily Mass

Mon, Thur, Fri: 8 am
Wed: 6 pm
First Saturday Mass: 9 am

Confession Times

Wed & Sat: 3:30 pm – 4:30 pm in Church
*Or by appointment

Holy Days of Obligation

Here are our holy days of obligation:

  • January 1  – Mary, Mother of God 
  • August 15  – Assumption of Mary
  • November 1   – All Saints
  • December 8 – Immaculate Conception
  • December 25 – Nativity of the Lord (Christmas)

There are also a couple of Holy Days that the US bishops have made permanently non-obligatory:

  • March 19 – St. Joseph
  • June 29 – Sts. Peter and Paul

Regardless of whether an obligation exists, there will still be Mass celebrated near you. Join the Church in celebrating our high holy days!

One of the precepts of the Church is to attend Mass every Sunday and every holy day of obligation. In addition, we should abstain from servile work on these days. These holy days are special to us as Christians. While the obligation does exist, it is better to think of them as a “holy day of opportunity!” Think of it as attending your best friend’s party—you wouldn’t want to miss it! These are days when the whole Catholic Church celebrates together.

There are five holy days of obligation that we observe in the USA. In addition, some holy days are permanently moved to the closest Sunday, so the Holy Day obligation is covered by the Sunday obligation:

Epiphany is permanently moved to a Sunday
Ascension is permanently moved to a Sunday
Corpus Christi is permanently moved to a Sunday

Deepest sympathies are offered for the loss of all loved ones in our Sacred Heart Parish community. Please use our helpful resources including suggested readings from the USCCB and information regarding music to assist families in planning funeral liturgies. Please contact the Sacred Heart Parish Office at 940.759.2500 for more information or to make funeral arrangements.

upcoming Funerals

William (Billy) Boyles

  • A funeral Mass will be held on Wednesday, February 19, 2025, at 10:00 am, with burial to follow in the Sacred Heart Cemetery. A bereavement meal will be held at Rohmer’s Restaurant immediately following the burial.