Advisory Council

2024 Members

  • Reverend Austin Hoodenpyle
  • Principal Andrew Folsom 
  • Kristi Becker
  • Pam Dangelmayr
  • Hayley Evans
  • Grant Hartman
  • Katie Nasche
  • Karen Schmid
  • Drew Strabala

The Sacred Heart School Advisory Council serves to provide recommendations and guidance to the administration for the overall best interest of the school. Members of our Advisory Council meet monthly throughout the school year. If you are interested in being a part of our Advisory Council, please contact our principal, Mr. Andrew Folsom,

Local School Advisory Council Per Diocesan Handbook

Each school has an Advisory Council that serves in an advisory capacity to the pastor and principal. Its authority is derived from the Diocesan Bishop, Superintendent and Diocesan School Advisory Council (DSAC).

The council advises on matters relating to the operation of the school. The local school advisory council is responsible for:

  • Planning – Establishing a mission statement and strategic plan. The School Advisory Council sees Catholic education as a Mission of the Church.
  • Policy Formulation – Giving general direction to administrative action
  • Finances – Developing plans and means to finance ongoing educational programs
  • Development/Public Relations/Marketing – Includes understanding the school’s mission, commitment to that vision, the involvement of people, the formulation of a plan, the development and presentation of a case statement to the public, and acquisition of funds to bring the plan to fruition.

The following areas are not matters for School Advisory Council responsibility and, therefore, are not matters for School Advisory Council policy:

  • Discipline
  • Curriculum Development
  • Approval of Instructional Materials
  • Hiring/Firing of Staff
  • Personnel
  • Regulations
  • Grievances