Get Involved
The Alumni & Supporters organization includes the entire school family: alumni, parents, teachers, parents of former students and all supporters of the school. It is through this organization that we work so hard to save and/or raise money to go toward reducing the cost of tuition for EVERY child who attends our school. The Alumni & Supporters also assist with many other expenses such as the new school bus, campus improvements, technology and so much more.
Please understand the importance of your part as a parent and supporter of SHCS. Every family is required to earn a minimum of 25 “fundraising hours”. Each family has the opportunity to help with the events of their choice. If you choose not to sign up, you will be assigned to the events that are most in need. If you choose not to participate in fundraising, you may pay $1,000 to the school. Please mail checks to the Sacred Heart Alumni P.O. Box 97 Muenster, TX 76252.
Each activity has an assigned “hour” value based on relative difficulty (time, responsibility, etc.) of the task. When signing up, you will be asked to sign a name and phone number for every activity summing to at least 25 hours. Once signed up for an activity it becomes your responsibility to find a substitute if you are unable to fulfill your obligation. All event coordinators are responsible for attending the Alumni meeting before and after their event to get any help they may need, to give a final report on the event and take notes to keep on file with the Alumni for future reference.
We would like to thank all who have helped make SHCS so successful for the last 135 years. Please be generous with your time, talent and treasure as parents, teachers, students, alumni and supporters of this great school. Your children and all the students in SHCS are well worth the effort! Please stay involved and have fun working with other school families.
You are welcome and encouraged to attend our Alumni & Supporters meeting held the third Wednesday of each month at the Knights of Columbus Hall in Muenster.
Sign ups are available online via Sign Up Genius. To sign up, go to our SERVICE HOUR SIGN UP PAGE. For questions, please contact Chad Henscheid at 940.634.9928.
Please note: All adult volunteers serving in any capacity affiliated with Sacred Heart Catholic School MUST have Safe Environment training beforehand, whether or not you will be in direct contact with children. This includes but is not limited to volunteering at your child’s class party, chaperoning a field trip, working in the concession stands at a sporting event, etc. Safe Environment Training must be renewed every two years. Click for more information about Safe Environment Training and Renewal.
The Alumni hosts a variety of exciting social events and fundraisers throughout the year. Mark your calendars for upcoming events and check out the Alumni website for more details.
Legacy Club & Donations
A specific organization that directly benefits the school is the Legacy Club, which is a part of our Alumni Association. The Legacy Club offers an easy way to give, with several options for contributing via monthly, annual or one-time autodraft donations.
Click HERE to join the Legacy Club and sign up today!
Send a text to 940-220-3183 with your message, examples to try: “give” to start a gift or “update” to change your payment info.
Donations can be made via Venmo @SacredHeart-Alumni
Donations may be mailed to the Alumni at: SH Alumni, PO Box 97, Muenster, TX 76252
For information on directing your donation to a specific fund such as a memorial or scholarship fund, click here.
For information about additional forms of giving such as including SHCS in your Will, naming the school as a beneficiary on an IRA/Retirement or savings account or life insurance policy, transferring real estate for the benefit of the school, and any sort of planned giving, please contact:
Lydia Springer, Attorney at Law
SHCS Director of Development
Office: 940.759.2500
Cell: 940.736.3357
Stay Connected
For more information about the Alumni & Supporters, visit their website!
Grad Success
On average, our students routinely score well above the state and national standardized tests, including the Iowa/CogAT Basic Skills achievement tests for grades 3-8 and the ACT and SAT for high school students.
Over the past two years, our graduates earned $1.7 million in scholarships with 11% earning fully paid scholarships to the college of their choice. We’ve also had Hunt Scholars, Terry Scholars, McKnight Scholars and Chancellor Scholars.
College choices of recent graduates
Our graduates have been accepted to a variety of college and graduate programs including:
Austin College
Baylor University
Benedictine College
Hardin Simmons University
Midwestern State University
Oklahoma State University
Ole Miss
Southern Methodist University
Texas A&M University
Texas A&M University School of Law
Tufts University School of Dental Medicine
Texas Christian University
Texas State University
Texas Tech University
Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center & School of Health Professions
Texas Woman’s University
Universidad del Sagrado Corazon, Puerto Rico
University of Dallas
University of Mary Hardin-Baylor
University of North Texas
University of North Texas Health Science Center at Fort Worth
University of Oklahoma
University of Texas
University of Texas Health Science Center of San Antonio Dental School
University of Texas Dell Medical School
University of the Incarnate Word
Villanova University
William Carey University College of Osteopathic Medicine
College degrees of recent graduates
Our graduates are obtaining/have obtained degrees in the following disciplinee:
- Accounting, BS, MS
- Aerospace Engineering, BS
- Biology, BS, MS
- Biomedical Engineering, BS
- Biotechnology, MS
- Business, BA
- Cancer Immunology, MS
- Civil Engineering, BS
- Communication Sciences, MS
- Computer Engineering, BS
- Doctor of Dental Surgery (DDS)
- Doctor of Pharmacy (PharmD)
- Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT)
- Economics, BA
Education, BA
Finance BS, MS
History, MA
Mechanical Engineering, BS
Medical Doctor (MD)
Nuclear Engineering, BS
Nuclear Medicine, BS
Nursing, BS
Petroleum Engineering, BS
Psychology, BS
Radiology, BS
Speech-Language Pathology, BS