2024-2025 SHCS Tuition & Registration

Please find the Sacred Heart Catholic School Tuition and Registration Information for the 2024-2025 school year below. Sacred Heart utilizes FACTS Management, an online billing and payment service, for registration and financial transactions. Enrollment through FACTS is required for students and all payment transactions will be directed to and processed by FACTS. Our admissions team will be assisting families throughout the spring in setting up FACTS accounts. 

2024-2025 Tuition Fees

  •  Montessori (PK3, PK4 and Kindergarten): $6,750 per child for the school year 
  • Elementary (1st – 8th Grade): $7,000 per child for the school year
  • High School (9th – 12th Grade): $7,500 per child for the school year​


  • Tuition for the first semester is non-refundable after September 1, 2024. 
  • Tuition for the second semester is non-refundable after December 1, 2024. 
  • All registration fees, transportation fees and tuition late fees are non-refundable.
  • Application Fee for all New Students: $25 per student applicant
    A $25 non-refundable application fee is required in order to submit online applications for new students
  • Enrollment Fee for all PK–12 Students: $250 per student
    When your child is enrolled each year, there will be a $250 fee assessed by FACTS, which includes all student technology art, music, science, curriculum, classroom supplies and materials fees. You can opt to pay this fee at the time of enrollment, or you can have it split into your tuition payments. If you choose to include it with your tuition payments, please email Mrs. Taylor at jtaylor@shmuenster.com for approval.
  • Transportation Fee for Students in Grades 6–12: $200 per student
    The one-time transportation fee, regardless of the number of activities or sports in which the student participates, will be required before the first trip.​ 
  • Bus Route Fee for Out-of-Town Students: $2,000 per family
    The bus route fee for out-of-town students using the daily bus route that picks up in Denton before school and drops off after school will be assessed in lieu of the above transportation fee for grades 6-12.

Investing in your student’s education at Sacred Heart Catholic School is an investment in his/her future. For most families, this is a serious financial commitment. In an effort to make this excellent education financially affordable regardless of a family’s financial circumstances, the following payment options are available:

2024-2025 Family Discounts

# of Students
Tuition Price

Gr. 9 - 12
Gr. 1 - 8
PreK - K

Example: A family with one student in high school, one in 6th grade, and one in Montessori would pay $7,500 + $6,500 + $5,750 = $19,750


  • 6% Early Bird Discount
    Payments made in full by August 1, 2024, for full price students/families will receive a 6% discount. 
  • 3% Discount for Half Payments
    One-half of your total amount due paid by August 1, 2024, and the remaining one-half balance paid in full by December 31, 2024, to receive a 3% discount. 
  • Employee Discount
    Sacred Heart Catholic School full-time employees receive a 40% tuition discount, while part-time employees receive a 20% tuition discount. 
  • Monthly Installments
    Ten monthly payments through FACTS Management or through a lender of your choice. Please note that you are responsible for all fees, credit card processing fees and interest payments associated with financing. 

PLEASE NOTE: The SHCS employee discount, multiple children discount, early bird discount, half payment discount, scholarships, financial aid or any other discounts cannot be combined. 

In the event of accounts three months in arrears, your child(ren) may be asked to withdraw as a student(s) at Sacred Heart Catholic School. All outstanding financial obligations must be resolved with cash or cashier’s check before your child will be allowed to participate in graduation or promotion ceremonies, or before official transcripts/grades will be released from Sacred Heart Catholic School.

Sacred Heart Catholic School offers tuition assistance to families that meet our financial aid qualifications. FACTS Forms (required to receive financial assistance) are due to FACTS http://factsmgt.com/ by April 26, 2024. Financial aid packets are also available in the SHCS front office. Due to limited funds, Sacred Heart may only be able to meet a portion of the demonstrated need of each family.

Forms to fill out

If you are are new or existing student, please make sure to fill out these forms:

Physical Exam

  • Students in grades 6-12 who are participating in sports are required to complete a physical examination on or after May 18, 2024, and submit the Sacred Heart physical examination form to the school office by August 1, 2024.
  • Students in grades 6-12 who are participating in summer workout programs must be registered for the next school year and have their physical form submitted to the SHCS school office before participating in any summer sport programs. This is an established policy and there are liability concerns for those not registered.
Physical Exam Form

Emergency Care Form

All students are required to submit the Emergency Care Form prior to the beginning of each school year. Emergency Care Forms for the 2024-25 school year are due to the SHCS Front Office by August 1, 2024. Per diocesan policy, students will not be permitted to attend school if Emergency Care Forms have been not submitted. 


New Students

New students will be enrolled on a probationary status for the first year in which they are enrolled. New students may be administered placement tests to determine course schedule. 

create account

For all new students, a copy of the following documents is required upon enrollment:

  • Birth Certificate (State Copy)
  • Baptismal Certificate, if applicable
  • Immunization Records signed by physician
  • Previous School Records (Our admissions team can assist in the process of requesting student records from previous schools that your child(ren) attended.)

Create an account:

  • Click "Create a New Family Portal Account"
  • Follow the directions to create your account

Once Your account is created, you will be logged into your FACTS portal. To apply and enroll is a two step process.

Complete your child's application.

  • Click Application/New Student
  • Fill out the application following the prompts
  • A non-refundable $25 application fee will be assessed at the time your application is submitted. This fee is charged by FACTS and we are unable to by-pass it.
  • Submit your application

After we have reviewed your application, it will load it into our system. Once that happens, you will receive an email telling you that your enrollment packet is ready.

Complete the enrollment packet:

  • Go to Apply/Enroll on the left hand side
  • Click Enrollment/Reenrollment
  • You should see your child/children's names. Click on a name to start the enrollment packet process.
  • Once you finish the packet, it will prepare it to submit.

FACTS charges a $250 fee to enroll your child. This fee can be bypassed for now if you choose to have it rolled into your payments. If you would like to do this, please send an email to Mrs. Jaime Taylor at jtaylor@shmuenster.com, to have it set it up that way in our system.

Family Service Hours

Additionally, as part of our effort to keep tuition affordable, our Alumni & Supporters organization actively fundraises to assist our school financially. Each student benefits from this assistance, and each family is asked to sign up for 25 hours to help in this endeavor. This is also a great opportunity to get to know the other school families.


Diocesan Non-Discrimination Policy


Catholic Diocese of Fort Worth schools admit students of any race, color, national, and ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school. It does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national and ethnic origin in administration of its educational policies, admissions policies, scholarship and loan programs, and athletic and other school-administered programs.

Religious educational institutions are exempt from Civil Rights legislation in the employment and enrollment of individuals of a particular religious persuasion. Preference in employment and admissions may be given to Catholic staff and students in the Catholic Schools of the Diocese.


Order online

FlynnO’Hara Uniforms will be our official school uniform supplier for the upcoming academic year (2025-26). Previously purchased uniforms will be grandfathered in and can be worn by students as long as they are in good condition. Click HERE for their digital uniform shopping packet!

SHCS School code:



For questions about the enrollment/re-enrollment process, contact SHCS Academic Advisor Jaime Taylor at jtaylor@shmuenster.com or 940.759.2511 x125.