High School • Music & Art

One Act Play

Sacred Heart offers students an opportunity to step into the spotlight and experience the art of theater with our One Act Play Program. One Act Play is a contest offered through TAPPS that takes place in the fall, generally at the end of October. The competition involves choosing and producing a play that is no longer than 40 minutes in length. The competition cast and crew is open to all high school students regardless of the elective they choose. However, for those that want to pursue Theater Arts beyond the TAPPS competition, One Act Play is offered as an elective at Sacred Heart. The class explores acting as well as production and directing. The class offers a Christmas Extravaganza each year that includes participation from the Montessori to fifth grade and is scripted, blocked and costumed by the students. A show is offered in the spring as well. Past productions include: The Velveteen Rabbit, Forsooth!, A Little Princess and War of the Worlds.


Visual Art

Our Sacred Heart studio art elective offers a rich tapestry of mediums and techniques for high school students to explore. Our talented high school artists continuously shine at the local and state level from the Cooke County and Fort Worth Stock Shows to TAPPS State Competitions and more. View some of our students’ award-winning artwork below!

String Orchestra

A unique offering at Sacred Heart is the String Orchestra, which is open to all high school students as well as 5th-8th graders. This year-round program is divided into three trimesters: Jan – Apr, May – Aug and Sept – Dec and performs at community celebrations, serenades residents of local elder care facilities and plays for family and friends throughout the year.


  • Students: $75 per trimester with a 1-year commitment
  • Adults: $100 per trimester with a 1-year commitment

Once a player purchases their own private instrument, a discount of $25 per trimester is offered; scholarships are available. Click HERE for more information or contact Cathy Strabala at 720-470-7576 (voice or text) for answers and/or to enroll.


yOUTH Choir

All high school students are welcome to join the Sacred Heart Parish Youth Choir, comprised of vocalists in grades 8-12. Rehearsals take place every Wednesday from 3:45pm – 4:45pm. The Youth Choir rotates singing with the Children’s Choir for the 10:30am Sunday Mass and for special liturgies and events at Sacred Heart Catholic Church. For more information, please contact SH Parish Music Director Orlando Vera at 940-759-2500 or musicdirector@shcmuenster.com