IOWA Testing for Gr 4-7
IOWA Testing for Grades 4-7 will take place on September 16 - 20
IOWA Testing for Grades 4-7 will take place on September 16 - 20
Served Daily with Meal: Milk or Water, Fruit and Salad Bar (*One trip only with tray.) Optional Tray Choices: WOWBUTTER (Peanut-Free, Nut-Free Spread) or Ham and Cheese Sandwich (*Replaces main […]
'Forge Now Visit' for SHCS Seniors will take place on Wednesday, September 18th @8:00 am.
Where: Knights of Columbus Hall, 403 N. Oak Street, Muenster, TX (map) Description: All Alumni and friends of SHCS are invited and encouraged to attend these monthly meetings. Join this […]